Monday, June 29, 2009

Using C# and Mono

It turns out that using C# was a good decision. I was a bit disappointed with Monodevelop because it appeared to lack debugging support and refactoring, plus it has some issues when encapsulating private fields as properties. The missing debugger turned out to be a missing plugin, which I installed. Still, it feels a bit unfinished (crashes, apparent lockups etc.)

Other than these minor nuisances, the language feels great. API exploration is much easier with autocompletion. Monodevelop's Stetic GUI designer helps a lot with building the GUI without remembering much about Gtk#/Gtk+. It's true it is also buggy (I had to edit its XML file by hand to remove some cruft it added), but it is a timesaver nevertheless.

I did make some progress with the Sexp parser - I am now capable of editing (slowly) little LISP programs. I do need to add keyboard shortcut support (all the 'structured' editing is menu driven right now), probably also through IAbstractEditor so the platform dependent stuff stays isolated.

No regrets over switching to C#. Looking forward to further development of Synpl (I'm thinking that once I get the basic parts right with the Sexp parser, I should add a more sophisticated parser - something like a parser for JavaScript/Pascal/Basic to check the usability of 'structured' editing further).

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