Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I'm thinking of switching Synpl to Java, so that I can write a JDeveloper extension - and later a SqlDeveloper one. The problem is that the JDeveloper extension APIs aren't that well documented. There are even two competing APIs, one that is specific to Oracle and the other which is a JSR (198, to be more precise).

There are illuminating code samples for the Oracle API (which I hope can be used to develop an extension if combined with the API's JavaDoc). On the other hand, the JSR 198 seems more restrictive. One one forum discussion someone was complaining about the fact that it's impossible to write a code formatter with the JSR 198 API. I'm not sure that's true, but from what I've seen in the JavaDoc it's certainly a difficult task.

Hmmm. Back to the GIS application and paper ;)

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