Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Resurrection attempt...

Hmmm... It looks like I've abandoned this project for almost one year.

Since I'm trying to learn Haskell and functional languages are supposed to be really good at handling compiling/translating/transforming tasks, it may be a good idea to try to reimplement things in Haskell. This and reading 'Real world Haskell' should complement nicely.

Here's a first attempt: a simple lexer written in less than 100 lines of Haskell (though it's pretty 'high density', without any comments).

A few tasks that should help me become a better Haskell programmer:
  • document things (the literate Haskell mode works great with Emacs, no excuses this time); add examples of usage in the comments !
  • learn how to isolate the lexer guts by using the Haskell module system
  • use the State monad, because there is state passed around in the lexer (although in a rather uniform manner, which avoids 'ladders to the right of the screen')
  • maybe use the Reader monad (there are some configuration items, such as the width of a tab)
  • ... so maybe learn how to use monad transformers to 'stack' State and Reader?
Another change is that I decided that synpl needs to be open source this time. No foolish dreams of easy money :-) Anyway, since there is no way to submit archives to blogger, I should make a SourceForge or Google code project for this. Or, given that there are so many Haskell 'bosses' involved with Microsoft, maybe CodePlex...

Until then, here's my newbie Haskeller code (uncommented :-( ):

> data StreamPosition = StreamPosition { line :: Int, column :: Int }
> deriving Show

> data TokenPosition = TokenPosition { start :: StreamPosition,
> end :: StreamPosition }
> deriving Show

> data TokenContent = TokenContent { position :: TokenPosition,
> content :: String }
> deriving Show

> data Token = TokenNumber TokenContent
> | TokenIdentifier TokenContent
> | TokenChar TokenContent
> deriving Show
> data LexerState = LexerState StreamPosition String [Token]

> lex :: String -> [Token]
> lex input = lexImpl $ LexerState (StreamPosition 1 1) input []
> where lexImpl (LexerState pos [] tokens) = reverse tokens
> lexImpl arg@(LexerState pos input@(c:cs) tokens)
> | c == '\n' = lexImpl $ LexerState (addToLine pos 1) cs tokens
> | c == ' ' = lexImpl $ LexerState (addToColumn pos 1) cs tokens
> | c == '\n' = lexImpl $ LexerState (addToColumn pos 8) cs tokens
> | isDigit c = lexImpl $ lexNumber arg
> | isLetterOrUnderscore c = lexImpl $ lexIdentifier arg
> | otherwise = lexImpl $ LexerState (addToColumn pos 1) cs upTokens
> where upTokens = (charTok : tokens)
> tokenPos = TokenPosition pos pos
> charTok = TokenChar $ TokenContent tokenPos [c]
> isDigit c = c >= '0' && c <= '9'
> isLetterOrUnderscore c = c == '_' || isLower || isUpper
> where isLower = c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'
> isUpper = c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'
> lexNumber :: LexerState -> LexerState
> lexNumber = lexEntity isDigit TokenNumber
> lexIdentifier = lexEntity isLetterOrUnderscore TokenIdentifier
> lexEntity :: (Char -> Bool) -> (TokenContent -> Token) -> LexerState -> LexerState
> lexEntity spanP tokenCtor (LexerState pos cs tokens) = LexerState upPos upCs upTokens
> where (content, upCs) = span spanP cs
> upPos = addToColumn pos (length content)
> tokenPos = TokenPosition pos (addToColumn upPos (-1))
> numTok = tokenCtor (TokenContent tokenPos content)
> upTokens = (numTok : tokens)
> addToLine (StreamPosition line column) lineInc = StreamPosition (line + lineInc) column
> addToColumn (StreamPosition line column) columnInc =
> StreamPosition line (column + columnInc)

> data TokenTransform = TokenTransform { predicate :: ([Token] -> Int),
> combiner :: ([Token] -> [Token]) }

> applyTokenTransform :: [Token] -> TokenTransform -> [Token]
> applyTokenTransform [] _ = []
> applyTokenTransform tokens transform@(TokenTransform p c) =
> let matchLen = p tokens
> in if matchLen > 0
> then let (theMatch, theRest) = splitAt matchLen tokens
> theRest' = applyTokenTransform theRest transform
> in (c theMatch) ++ theRest'
> else let theHead = head tokens
> theRest = tail tokens
> in (theHead : applyTokenTransform theRest transform)

> applyTokenTransforms :: [Token] -> [TokenTransform] -> [Token]
> applyTokenTransforms tokens (t:ts) = applyTokenTransforms (applyTokenTransform tokens t) ts
> applyTokenTransforms tokens [] = tokens

> matchPair :: Char -> Char -> TokenTransform
> matchPair char1 char2 = TokenTransform pred combiner
> where isChar (TokenChar tc) ch = content tc == [ch]
> isChar _ _ = False
> pred [] = 0
> pred [x] = 0
> pred (el1 : el2 : els) | isChar el1 char1 && isChar el2 char2 = 2
> | otherwise = 0
> combiner (el1 : el2 : els) = (combineTokenChars el1 el2 : els)
> where combineTokenChars (TokenChar tc1) (TokenChar tc2) =
> let startPos = (start . position)
> endPos = (end . position)
> newTokenPosition = TokenPosition (startPos tc1) (endPos tc2)
> in TokenChar $ TokenContent newTokenPosition (content tc1 ++ content tc2)

> matchOps :: [TokenTransform]
> matchOps = [matchPair '=' '=', matchPair '>' '=', matchPair '<' '=']

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