Monday, May 18, 2009

Gedit colorization

So, here's a gedit text colorization snippet.

Start with an empty document and open the bottom pane, with the Python console activated (View|Bottom Pane, Edit|Preferences|Plugins).

Enter this code:

>>> v = window.get_active_view()
>>> b = v.get_buffer()
>>> t = b.create_tag("simple_tag")
>>> b.insert(b.get_start_iter(), "hello")
>>> b.apply_tag(t, b.get_start_iter(), b.get_end_iter())

Nothing happens, we need to change the colors associated with the tag. It looks like I need to install some kind of support for inserting source code in blog posts. Tomorrow I will try these suggestions.

>>> import gtk
>>> t.props.foreground_gdk = gtk.gdk.Color("#fa0")

Tada! The text is now colorized. Since I'm selfish and sleepy, I won't go into details about the functions that were used (this post is mainly a self-note of how to perform text colorization). If anyone reads this and you feel like you could use some advice, try:

>>> dir(b)

'dir'ring python objects is helpful at times. Still, it would be better if the gedit/gtksourceview guys provided more documentation.

Good night to myself.

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