Friday, August 17, 2007

New Synpl demo

Here's the first demo since switching languages to Scala.

What's in there:
  • a parser for many SQL and PL/SQL language elements (blocks, basic variable definitions, most types of statements, most DML stuff, procedures, functions, packages)
  • a basic analyzer (can look at a PL/SQL block and report variables that are used before being initialized, shadowed variables (same names used in inner blocks), variables that are defined and/or initialized but are never used (usage is not detected in all cases, and initialization by INTO clauses is not recognized)
  • a pretty printer (adds missing elements - for instance, if the user forgot a 'THEN', the parser will report an error but recover and the pretty printer will show the source with all such errors corrected)
  • a small GUI to help with testing
What's missing:
  • many SQL and PL/SQL language elements are not identified by the parser (explicit join syntax for SQL, variable initialization at definition, PL/SQL objects and arrays etc.)
  • most of the analyzer features
  • advanced pretty printing (such as: detect total length of a SELECT query, and if it doesn't overflow the current line, print it on a single line)
Use 'run.bat' to launch the GUI. Use "File|Open" within the GUI to reach a sample PL/SQL source that demonstrates the error-recovery features of the parser, the current analyzer features and the pretty printer.

The GUI was tested with Java 1.6.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Esti norocos, am testat cu jre1.6 amd64 si a mers ok, e drept ca nu am dat eu cine stie ce interogare, am folosit exemplul tau, dar a mers ok.