Thursday, August 16, 2007

Synpl in Scala

I've decided to rewrite synpl in Scala. It's much better than C# for this particular task because of several reasons:
  • it compiles to Java bytecodes, which means I can build a JAR file and then use it to build JDeveloper or SqlDeveloper extensions
  • Scala has pattern matching and "case classes" which make it very easy to build AST trees and to walk those trees to do static analysis
So far, so good. These blog entries (1) (2) proved very useful as a Scala cheat sheet and saved me a lot of time.

Right now a significant chunk of the PL/SQL grammar is implemented and some static analysis also works (detecting variable use before initialization). There's plenty of work to be done, but it looks like Scala is a great language choice.

Probably tomorrow or the day after I'll put together a new demo.

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